A 99 corner, such as Alphinad&Alisaie, intended for a corner not covered by your 88s. The best of the best when it comes to Triple Triad, the Card Club holds the rarest of cards and can be challenged throughout Balamb Garden. 159: Magitek Gunship: 3. TT battlehall is an instance where you can hop to from anywhere via Duty Finder. 3,y13. Best. These cards are marked by a special silver background and are not included in the regular card catalogue. FFXIV's newest expansion, "Endwalker", is out now. Patch 4. . 3. Required Items. 0; 0; A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. To make it a bit clearer compared to the other answer, you compare sides facing each other, so for example, your 1 faces a 9, and your 5 faces a 5. 382. The Lightning Card used to be the most powerful card, with. 39K subscribers Subscribe 2. Cards marked with a green circle are always in this NPC's deck. Yes its only 60 MGP difference here, but i regularly get over 400 MGP profit too in racing. Fallen Ace is as written, and your Ace card can be defeated with the lowest value (1). I think I remember them nerfing the drop rate not long after Triple Triad was introduced since everyone was just farming 5-star cards from Elmer. 5. Chi is pruchased for 300 Bicolor Gemstones in Ultima Thule. . 41 shipping. The Navel (Hard) Trial via Duty Finder The Navel (Extreme) Trial via Duty Finder. Triple Triad guide. ? out of ? beaten Hide NPCs of whom you own all cards Each depicted monster carries its own card. 4: Wyra. Noctis Lucis Caelum. Keep your shortlist on hand and do a few runs then stop for the day. I'm sure a peaceful future is right around the corner!” — In-game description. Achieve Reward for 344 unique triple triad cards - Triple-decker XI. Mostly to farm Imperial (Mor Dhona NPC) with scion deck. 3) Dungeons/Trials/Raids - These ones really suck, no sugar coating here. 24W, 5 Godbert, 1 Bahamut. Check online but there should be a list of cards you can acquire from doing this method. So buying packs will help you to get to that number more quickly. Loading, please wait. Bought from the Triple Triad Trader for 200,000. 5: Lewena: 65: seiyahleonhart: After 5. Noctis Lucis Caelum. Add a good 5 star card with 2 A's and you got a solid deck for most of the non extreme rulesets. Create and maintain your card collection by matching up the website with your in-game card list. 2 Challenge Players 5 Rules 5. 3. 2) Three Open: 15: 25: Troll Card:. FF14 guide running through all aspects of the Triple Triad Card game in Final Fantasy XIV, from basics on how to collect cards and play to the advanced Plus,. Acquire these cards in battle by defeating the corresponding monster or by transforming it into a card using the Card command. No modifications made. Contents 1 List of Cards 1. Gaelicat,Ysale, Hilda,Count Edmont Fortemps,Squall - Luck of the draw and rng on chaos. Triple Triad Gold lets you look over at all the cards you're dealt during the game and see the images related to them (taken directly from Final Fantasy 8) as well as their stats. 1 Y: 7. I love Triple Triad. Once you win the Quistis card, go save. To get this card,. [deleted] • 3 yr. Fun, but far from being your main source of MGP. Therefore, it was no surprise that Final Fantasy 14 players were delighted when it was added to the popular MMO with the addition of the Gold Saucer area. A Nocturne For Heroes: complete the event and buy it for 10,000 MGP. Kuja Game: FF9 Stat Total: 28 The following is a list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy XIV. Noctis Lucis Caelum‘s Triple Triad card was released alongside the Final Fantasy XV crossover event in Patch 4. If you do all one type and have extremely powerful cards, you could run into the situation of "capping" your cards. I can’t stress enough that getting Bahamut will make the rest of your journey a little easier. Some of the best anti-AI cards are in Shadowbringers. New cards can be obtained from the Triple Triad Trader NPC found in the Manderville Gold Saucer, as rewards from winning against various NPCs, and as prizes from Triple Triad tournaments. 4: Lewto-Sue: 2: 34: Amh Araeng (26. 2. ago. 5 Introduced in Endwalker Another website for tracking your Final Fantasy XIV Triple Triad card collection. Dark-haired young man in school uniform who appears in the main hall by the Garden Map Terminal. 5:45 PM · Jul 22, 2023 · 763 Views 24 Likes Chip Cheezum @ChipCheezum Also FF9 is still one of the best in the franchise. The following is a list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy XIV. Lyna, Lucia goe Junius, Estinien and Hilda are 4 cards that have each 2 eights on SE, NW, NE and SW respectively. Cards are added with every significant patch. Some are rarer than others, but the symbol over an NPCs head only means "this is a Triad NPC that you have yet to beat". Some of the trials (Kugane Ohashi) rarely popped, and trying to get a PF for it is a pain. . ago. No potd or hoh. Choose to challenge the guy in the back. I think R'ashaht really likes me. Midgardsormr Card: 3. The drop rate on Triple Triad cards, especially the secondary ones, is far too low. At least the Memoria mod lets you turn it into a basic version of Triple Triad instead. Karakuri Hanya. Bomb: 1 will refine into 1 Bomb Fragment. If you put it as 5th, you only get to play it if you go first. 159: Magitek Gunship: 3. 9 Reverse The following is a list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy XIV. No, I'm not talking about how they seem to know exactly what cards you have in your hand, I'm talking about deck limitations! If you have a list of 60 cards, your deck can have one 4 star card or higher, and the rest can be 3 star or lower. 2. Memeroon; The Wanderer's Palace; The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) 94% 2. Triple Triad Master - Spriggan I was trying to get Chocobo, but his drop rate seems bad so I moved onto next NPC after getting Spriggan Jonas of the Three Spades - Ixal and Moogle. The most successful deck against Indolent Imperial I've found so far (99% win rate) and its patterns. Some examples of 8/8 corners are Estinien, Hilda, Lucia, Roundrox, Phoebad, Ysayle, and The Griffin (from Baelsar’s wall, not to be confused with a Griffin card). You will want at least 2 of your cards with the 2 1's to be. Final Fantasy 8 (FF8) Walkthrough Team. You can sell them at an NPC in gold saucer named Triple Triad Trader (at the main reception desk, to the right from the armour mender). (5)Free cards, (6)Spriggan and (7)Chocobo from TT Master, (8) Godbert and (9)Bahamut from King Elmer III. Bought from the Triple Triad Trader for 200,000. RE: Triple Triad - Steel Wolf - 02-24-2015. omg lmaooooooo, this 312 TT card mount has to be the worst grind I've ever done in this game. 18. As Amaurot stood upon the precipice of oblivion, Therion was one of many harbingers who would see the world ravaged by flames. Once you have a decent deck, it is also worth running around just to beat 30 NPCs once for the Squall card, which. Sure, you could play a few games until you can buy a gold bronze pack and then buy back up. From the Triple Triad representative in the Game Corner - "Triple Triad is a game from the Final Fantasy series. Also, Monster. Imperial Triad Card 1. CWTyger • 6 yr. Anonymous Player 30th. 8, 6. Need some help finding all Triple Triad cards on Final Fantasy XIV? ARR: Triple Triad is the website for you! Here you'll find cards location, challengeable NPCs and much more. . You can help the Final Fantasy XIV Wiki by expanding it. Its for both, that said, only cards worth buying are the 400k and 1 mil cards, plus silver and gold packs, the rest can be won while playing, including everything in the bronze packs. As a reminder, Draw Points have exactly the same effect on the RNG as the magazine stack would in the PSX/Steam versions. Triple Triad Trader via Silver Triad Card 4 - 7 The Gold SaucerThanalan Trachtoum Must complete the Quest: All Good Things 35 - 15 Lower La NosceaLa Noscea Landenel Must complete the Quest: All Good Things 16 - 28 South ShroudThe Black Shroud. Achievement: Win 300 Triple Triad roulette matches. The drop rate for Hien feels suspiciously low compared to other triad NPCs. . Gold Triad Card (2,160 MGP) No. . 3, 4, 6: None: Magician Joker: Defeat Jack Note: Joker is optional to the. 5 game cards, 5 visual art cards. level 1. You should focus on getting to 30 cards overall first - play all of the easier NPCs that you can find, open up a few bronze packs, and do a few trials to get to that number. Save your game once you enter Balamb Garden and try to win this card. Here is the complete list of all the new cards and where to get them or how to buy them when possible. Vysage: 1 will refine into 1 Wizard Stone. Whomever has the most cards in their possession (not necessarily on the board) at the end of the game wins. Is there a "5 best cards to use for triple triad" recommendation? saspa 6 years ago #1 Or do people just use what they feel comfortable with? I'm doing the CC card quest and. 51. so how do you get better triple triad cards? im having a really hard time against the harder npcs with what i have does anyone know which dungeons drop them or if packs can be bought with MGP? (0) Reply With Quote 02-25-2015 12:48 AM #2 Garlyle Player Join Date Sep 2013 Location Ul'dah Posts Triple Triad and early cards The main thing to remember with Triple Triad is that playing defensively will almost always ensure victory if the only rules are Open and the trade rule. This is why you should always roll Greed on Triple Triad cards. don’t buy these if you’ve gotten all possible prizes. Please lemme know thru comments/whatever of the Card Types. The quest is given by The Gold Saucer attendant in the Gold Saucer. Description: A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad. Anonymous Player6th November, 2022 @ 10:31 pm. 1 Card use restrictions 3. By disc 3 I had all rare cards. ARR: Triple Triad is the website for you! Here you'll find cards location, challengeable NPCs and much more. Need some help finding all Triple Triad cards on Final Fantasy XIV? ARR: Triple Triad is the website for you! Here you'll find cards location, challengeable NPCs and much more. Triple Triad is a mini-game that originated in Final Fantasy 8 and it quickly became a fan favorite from all of the mini-games offered in the series. 5. Feelibg Diamond Weapons 3% drop rate. 350+ wins, from the player below. FF8 Features a unique and catchy mini-game called Triple Triad. It's the best of the "old style" games by far. Stat Total: 28. [Discussion] Honestly, Triple Triad in its current form seems like a relic of ARR and the need for content that is a massive grind to occupy players, just like Beast Quests and many others. Purpose Rating Created by Cards Updated; General: 99: Gabrantth: After 5. Triple Triad is a card battle mini-game originally from Final Fantasy VIII. What do these different colors actually mean. Some cards have better drop rates than others, and it is definitely *not* based on the amount of stars. It puts you at a disadvantage against the very NPCs you need to be able to defeat in order to progress in the game. 5, 4. Cards are added with every significant patch. . Occasionally, he'll play the Mini-mog card, which has a 9s on both the top and bottom of the card. NPCs all over Eorzea have icons above their heads that show they have a Triple Triad. The Gold Saucer (X:4. The carnivale fights can be tricky, but they're easier than Extreme trials and will probably take you less time than getting some of the other cards from Triple Triad matches. 5 Introduced in Endwalker SamsonGrey26 2. You can buy the original FFVIII cards most of the time individually. I came into Endwaler with the old achievements done and. Cool, that will definitely make making the list easier. Is there an easier NPC with the roulette rule?NPCs are given a huge advantage in Triple Triad right out of the box. so how do you get better triple triad cards? im having a really hard time against the harder npcs with what i have does anyone know which dungeons drop them or if packs can be bought with MGP? (0) Reply With Quote 02-25-2015 12:48 AM #2 Garlyle Player Join Date Sep 2013 Location Ul'dah Posts To unlock the Magicked Card mount, players must collect Triple Triad cards 1 through 312. 5. After that, there are two more cheap cards. 2 Introduced in Heavensward 1. A is the highest number any card can have, even during ascension matches. If you don't have all the characters, then use your. I just bought 40 Gold Triad Packs tonight. 2, Y:7. lstratt82 7th March, 2020 @. Final Fantasy VIII: Complete Triple Triad Cards List. Beginning your journey to Triple Triad may seem a bit daunting, but it’s really quite simple. This is important for Order. EN DE FR JA. ago. But some of those cards I modded right away such as Quistis (for Triple), Zell (Strength +60), Sacred (Quake), Gilgamesh (Holy Wars), Bahamut (Mega Elixirs), Siren (Status attack), Leviathan (Doc Code to teach Alexander Med Data), Kiros (Auto haste) and Selphie (status defense). 8 Chaos 5. Al-iklil is the name of the 2-seater mount (released in the same patch!) that you get from collecting all of the field notes in the Save the Queen areas (Bozjan Southern Front, Delubrum Reginae and Zadnor). Need some help finding all Triple Triad cards on Final Fantasy XIV? ARR: Triple Triad is the website for you! Here you'll find cards location, challengeable NPCs and much more. The Navel (Hard) Trial via Duty Finder The Navel (Extreme) Trial via Duty Finder. Upon defeating it, in addition to other post-battle rewards, you’re gifted Ifrit’s Triple Triad card. It is quite satisfying even if the reward is small. The only issues it has is the way it screwed up the ATB system and the very bad card game. There are a couple online sites with lists of cards and the times that npcs are available to challenge to a match. These Challenge Logs reward you simply for. 0. The Triple Triad Board is a 3x3 square and each player chooses, or receives 5 of their cards at random to play with. Would make it so 1, 2, and 4 star cards aren't. Duh. If they drop from the boss itself, I don't believe you can. . Basically, this is a modified version of Tic-Tac-Toe. " This game was actually sold in card form. 8 Chaos 5. You can't have two of the same card in your deck. ago FF14 guide running through all aspects of the Triple Triad Card game in Final Fantasy XIV, from basics on how to collect cards and play to the advanced Plus,. Information on Triple Triad, including the location of every card in the game and how to best use them. Players can collect Triple Triad Cards from various sources. Cards marked with a green circle are always in this NPC's deck. Exactly what i was looking for and i'm very happy with this - highly recommend! sarah burns Mar 4, 2023. Main Class. I'm 5 cards away. Noctis Lucis Caelum Card MARKET PROHIBITED UNTRADABLE.