We love to look back and relive special occasions that we have enjoyed at school. . We have created a series of galleries which you can browse below. Centre for Excellence in 11+ Preparation. 12885227Hydesville Tower School's Parent section is designed to keep our parents informed and up-to-date with current and latest information. com Proprietor: Cognita 41-42 Eastcastle Street,Here at Hydesville Tower School we will offer you all the information you need to make the right choice. It was good to get together for Prep School assembly last Friday and celebrate our pupils’ successes, both in school and in their extra-curricular activities. Friday 1 September 2023 - Friday 20 Ocotber 2023. 01922 624374Charcoal grey skort (available to purchase from Next) Charcoal grey short trousers (available to purchase from Next) White ankle socks or white tights. The Music department at Hydesville prepares pupils for lifelong intelligent interactions within a variety of settings. 6% of all exams achieving a “good pass” at the new Grade 4+, compared to the national average of 66. Halves word. com. Siblings Jared and Jorah enjoyed their walk to school this morning through the Arboretum, and they were particularly excited to feed the squirrels!Children are welcome to join us at any time during the school year and into any year group, subject to a place being available. The Hydesville Challenge, unique to us, was designed to: set the final year of Key Stage 2 apart. Nursery Fun Club & Complimentary Days mobile number: 07385 935857 Admissions enquiries: 01922 748817, [email protected]. 9%. The School website has now been updated with the term dates for the Academic Year 2020/2021. Hydesville Tower School is based in Walsall, near Birmingham, and provides a fantastic private education from Nursery age through to Senior School. Hydesville Tower School Newsletters are full of exciting news, updates, and celebrations from our private school in Walsall. In short they found that the school has made significant progress since the last inspection and that. Phone: +44 (0) 1908 396 250. In addition we offer Fun Clubs. This week we are saying a huge Hydesville well done to the following pupils who impressed Mrs Brown with their holiday homework: Jeevan, Esmé-Neev, Waris, Jaachi, Yusuf and Isla. Our outstanding GCSE results and value added scores. Starts: Mon 5 Sept. Prep School Staff. Read our newsletters online. We help develop our pupils’ skills in listening and interpreting, composing and performing music as we recognise these are skills learned at a young age and developed throughout a lifetime. Term Dates. The School website has now been updated with the Term Dates for the Academic Year 2019-20. Friday 1 September 2023 - Friday 20 October 2023. 10am, unless otherwise stated. Ages 3 to 16 years. 01922 624374 Parents’ AreaWarren Honey has been announced as the new Headteacher at Hydesville Tower School – marking a new chapter in the leading Independent School’s ongoing development. Hydesville Tower School has achieved ‘outstanding’ in three out of five areas in a recent inspection. Hydesville Tower School’s Private Nursery in Walsal l offers your child the best possible start to their life in education. Opt for term-time only or up to 49 weeks a year. com w: The school is well resourced and enjoys. If you would like to discuss the opportunity for a place at Hydesville then please contact us on. The team won all of their six matches!The Return of Science Day 2023! Yesterday saw the return of Hydesville Science Day. Autumn Term 2022. Hydesville Tower School community gathered to spectate and cheer on our pupils at three Sports Day events. Read More. Half term. . 28/4/23. Autumn term events and diary dates have now been uploaded to the Calendar on the Cognita Connect parent app. Get select unsere important time dates. If you would like to receive a copy of the latest edition please contact Sarah Archer, Marketing Manager, on 01922 624374 or email your name and postal address to [email protected] Hydesville Tower School. Our termly private school fees include a hot lunch for all pupils from Nursery to Year 9. Monday 23 October 2023 - Friday 27 October 2023 . View. Look ahead to the school term dates for the current academic year. Led by our Head of Maths in Senior School, Mr Walker, Hydesville battled against teams of pupils from Blackwood, The Shrubbery and Mayfield. Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Archer or Mrs Passi on 01922 748817, email [email protected] Hydesville Big Maths Quiz returns for 2023. Group Chief Executive Officer, Cognita: Frank Maasen. . Sarah takes great pride in delivering a warm and welcoming service with your family at heart. Hydesville Tower School's year 7 & 8 mask making workshop was taught by Lisa Olson, who owns Tiger Lily Makes. After-School Club: 0738 5935 856; About [email protected]. Dates ; Term 1. Term Dates; Extra-Curricular; Enrichment; The Hydesville Challenge; The DofE Award; Photo Gallery; Latest News; Transport; Facilities; Nutrition; Community; Sport; Music; Blog;Hydesville Tower School Newsletters are full of exciting news, updates, and celebrations from our private school in Walsall. View. 84% Grammar school pass rate for the 2022/23 academic year. Pupils will present and each class takes a turn to do this. Proprietor: Birchfield School Limited Registered in England & Wales 17 Lichfield Street, Stone, Staffs ST15 8NA Company Registration No. Coffee morning starts at 8. Hydesville Tower School meals are cooked daily on-site using only fresh ingredients and are available to all our pupils. Half Term: Mon 24 Oct to Fri 28 Oct. Montags 23 October 2023 - Friday 27 October 2023 . To find out more about our Scholarships please contact our Admissions team on 01922 748817, email [email protected]. [1] Hydesville Tower School, which overlooks Walsall Arboretum, was established in 1952. 01922 624374 Parents’ AreaOutstanding pastoral care – a caring and supportive environment where every child can flourish. Hydesville Tower School’s Private Prep-School offers the best education to pupils aged 4-11 in Walsall and the wider West Midlands’ region. The class came together yesterday to present Mr Burnham, Mrs Chand and Mr Honey with beautiful hampers as tokens of their gratitude for their support during this challenging year and throughout the. Our term dates for the Academic Year 2022-2023 are now published and have been uploaded to our website here:. School Life. The routes are regularly reviewed and new stops added to meet the needs of our families. There is a Prep School assembly every Friday, unless otherwise stated. View events taking place this week in school and see which year groups it involves. Hydesville Tower School Newsletters are full of exciting news, updates, and celebrations from our private school in Walsall. Our Marketing and Admissions Manager Ms Sarah Archer has expertly guided many families through the private school admissions process. A comprehensive programme of enrichment activities and a fantastic selection of clubs and activities – both during and after the school day. please check them out so you know what is happening and when this term. It’s great exercise, better for the environment and promotes a healthier lifestyle. Tel: 1922624374 | Facebook | Reg 2022 Fees £3. Read our lunch menus online today. It comprises a nursery, prep school and senior school and is the only coeducational independent school in Walsall to offer secondary education. 26/04/23. Look ahead to the school term dates for the current academic year. Photo Gallery. Smile! We have captured many moments for posterity so take a look through our school photo album to see what has been going on. You can see them here:. Extra-Curricular. nurture a spirit of adventure and excitement. Hydesville Tower College successfully inspiration children from their tree years to prep and senior school academic success. Term Dates. [citation. 12885227Proprietor: Birchfield School Limited Registered in England & Wales 17 Lichfield Street, Stone, Staffs ST15 8NA Company Registration No. 01922 624374. com or complete the short enquiry form to the right and we shall be in touch. Following a two-day visit in May 2016 the School Inspection Service (SIS) rated the school ‘outstanding’ in the areas of pupils’ personal development, safeguarding pupils’ welfare, health and safety and leadership, management and. 05/05/2023. The School website has been updated with dates and details of this term's Prep School assemblies, taking place on a Friday. Term Dates; Events & Calendar; After School Activities; Dinner Menu; Staff List; Policies; Inspection Report & Results;. Ends: Fri 16 Dec. 01922 624374With less than two weeks left of this academic year, Year 6 are getting ready to spread their wings and move onto their Senior School journey. Chief Executive. Hydesville Tower Upper Prep School prize-giving event took part during Marquee Week and was a lovely celebration of pupils’ achievement. Hydesville School can offer private school teaching and non-teaching jobs for individuals passionate about children's education. Hydesville Tower School's term daily enclose a school term breakdown, nursery bookish calendar and school holidays. Our pupils are encouraged and given. Meet our Headteacher; Aims, Ethos and History; Academic Quality & Results; Inspection Reports; School Policies;Pupils from Hydesville Tower School are celebrating excellent GCSE results today, with 98. (Please. Before and after school wrap-around care: 07385935856. You’ll find everything from important dates for your diary to awards and achievements, including our Stars of the Week and Head’s Commendation pupils. Well done to two teams of Year 5 & Year 6 pupils who battled it out against pupils from other local schools in the Hydesville Big Maths Quiz 2023. Our KS4 scientists have been getting hands on in their practical lessons, which is helping to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills across many learning areas. com. Return; Term Dates; Extra-Curricular; Enrichment; The Hydesville Challenge; The DofE Award; Photo Gallery; Latest News; Transport; Facilities; Community; Nutrition; Sport; Music; Blog;At Hydesville Tower School, we monitor the progress of our pupils to demonstrate the learning gains, academic quality and our exam results - read more here. 45am in the school dining room, followed by assembly in the school hall from 9. The school is owned and operated by Cognita, the largest independent schools provider in the UK. Smallest class sizes in the Walsall borough. . Our Nursery curriculum has been designed to. A Scholarship Award carries great responsibility for the recipient, but also entitles them to a discount off their fees, according to their potential and performance at the Assessment Day. Upcoming Events. Click below to view the Term Dates for this academic year. Children attending Hydesville Tower Pre-Prep (children who become four during the academic year) & Lower Prep School (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) must wear the. The pupils had an incredible, fun-filled experience, while the judges were blown away by the variety and. With lots of photos and updates from activities around. Our term dates for the Academic Year 2022-2023 are now published and have been uploaded to our website here: Yes, when brothers and sisters attend the school at the same time we provide a: 5% reduction against the fees for the second child; 10% reduction against the fees for the third child; 15% reduction against the fees for the fourth child; 15% reduction against the fees for the fifth child – this is the maximum sibling discount. pav. 500m2 flood-lit multi-use sports pitch. Nov 19, 2015Dec 26, 2022We are a leading independent school in Walsall, educating girls and boys aged 3-16. You can also keep updated with School news and events on. It was an action-packed, challenging and rewarding day of teambuilding exercises, archery, kayaking and high ropes. 41-42 Eastcastle Street, London, W1W 8DU. Cost: £442 per term return journey, £245 per term single journey. Here you’ll find all the information about Hydesville Tower School fees for the academic year beginning in September 2023 and finishing in July 2024. . 01922 624374 Parents’ AreaOur term dates for the Academic Year 2023-2024 are now published and have been uploaded to our website here:. Our Family Newsletters are published on this page throughout the academic year. Our Prep School eases our children into the educational processes that will become more prevalent in their lives going forwards. Careers, Information, Advice & Guidance. Hydesville Tower School's open mornings are a great way to find out more about our independent school. Long grey socks. BA (Hons) University College Northampton, PGCE Open UniversityHydesville Tower School's life section is designed to keep our children's parents informed with current news and information. Read our newsletters online. Our Prep curriculum has been constructed to give pupils a great. 01922 624374. 2022 - 2023. Your information is collected and looked after in accordance with the school’s privacy notice, which is available here. Welcome to the Senior School; Senior School Curriculum; Pastoral Care; Senior School Staff; Careers, Information, Advice & Guidance; Exam Information: 2023Have a look at Hydesville Tower School's home economics gallery as they learn how to cook. Academic Year. provide Year 6 with an additional focus alongside the 11 Plus and SATs. Fun. Hydesville Tower Math Challenge – 1st and 2nd Place!Hydesville Tower School best school in Walsall. 01922 624374We at Hydesville Tower Senior School have a wide range of activities that emphasises on the development of skills, helping our pupils prepare for a bright future. The School Inspection Service (SIS) visited us in May 2016 and their evaluation of the school is detailed below. Every member of our Senior School plays a vital role in making Hydesville the successful School it is. With a collective wealth of expertise and experience, teachers ensure our pupils leave us at the end of Year 11 having exceeded all expectations. 01922 624374The magazine is posted to all parents after the end of the autumn, spring and summer terms. 01922 624374. com. Read additional learn our school. 01922 624374 Parents’ AreaHydesville Tower School 25 Broadway North, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 2QG t: 01922 624 374 f: 01922 746 169 e: [email protected]. 01922 624374. School Bus Service. Books are no longer the only items pupils can borrow from Hydesville Tower Prep School library since Mrs Kenton turned a corner of the room over to maths games. 01922 624374 Parents’ AreaHydesville Tower Senior School prize-giving event celebrated the achievements of our pupils from years 7 to 11. . From Nursery to Year 11, we provide a supportive and nurturing environment where your child can not only accomplish all their goals but exceed them as they progress through their education journey with us. A huge well done to our Prep School pupils who represented Wednesbury Hockey Club in the under 8 and under 12 team at the Lichfield hockey tournament yesterday. Mr Honey will take up the post in September 2017, arriving from King Henry VIII School in Coventry where he is currently Deputy Head. See below for details on our wrap around care and transport options to sibling discounts and scholarships. The morning was devoted to a Science Fair, where children were invited to display their scientific interests by sharing a project created at home. Located in Walsall, with excellent transport links to nearby Birmingham and. Hydesville's newsletters: Academic Year 2022/23. Read MoreWe are open for a maximum of 49 weeks a year, dependent on demand. View our current vacancies. Hydesville Tower School takes responsibility for the health & safety of all pupils in our care very seriously. Monday 30. Have a look at Hydesville's sports gallery as we enjoy various sporting activities at Hydesville Tower School. Read our newsletters online. Ranked 18th in the whole of the UK – in the Times’ league. The Prep teachers are led by the hugely experienced Mrs Chand, Deputy Head (Head of Prep), who joined Hydesville as over 12 years ago, and has extremely high. Term Dates; Extra-Curricular; Enrichment; The Hydesville Challenge; The DofE Award; Photo Gallery; Latest News; Transport; Facilities; Nutrition; Community; Sport; Music; Blog; Close. Term Dates; Extra-Curricular; Enrichment; The Hydesville Challenge; The DofE Award; Photo Gallery; Latest News; Transport; Facilities; Nutrition; Community; Sport; Music; Blog;Hydesville Be Well. Phone number: 020 7636 8444. Terminate 2. Parents and other family members are welcome to join us for coffee before each assembly. Below is the timetable for the Friday assembly so you can see when your child is taking part: Date. The enthusiasm of our Prep School team is contagious and pupils cannot help but be swept along on a daily wave of discovery. 01922 624374We are encouraging everyone to make the most of the nice weather and travel to school on foot. We are open from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm during term-time (38 weeks). 01922 624374Name and address of Proprietor: Cognita. . Hydesville Communication Charter. Autumn term 2023; Period Dates ; Term 1. Parents who use the service are able to avoid rush hour congestion. A free homework club after school each day. On Tuesday, pupils in Year 6 picked up from where they left off in Year 5 as they continued their Hydesville Challenge with a visit to Woodlands Adventure. At Hydesville we offer an environment that gives our pupils the. In the Wednesbury HC U8 team, Hydesville was represented by Yusuf (Y4), Reuben and Kadii (Y3). prepare pupils for Senior School by developing independence, personal responsibility and maturity. . Term Dates; Extra-Curricular; Enrichment; The Hydesville Challenge; The DofE Award; Photo Gallery; Latest News; Transport; Facilities; Nutrition; Community; Sport; Music; Blog; Close. You can find our private school policies here 01922 624374Visit this page to have a look at Hydesville's challenge which is a legendary rite of passage for our oldest Prep School children. You can see them here:. 01922 624374. We currently operate four bus services to bring pupils safely and promptly to and from school.